/* TEAM */ Lead Author: Sam Pottinger Site: gleap.org Email: hello@ag-adaptation-study.pub Twitter: @SamSpotsTime Bluesky: @sampottinger.com LinkedIn: in/sampottinger GitHub: @sampottinger Role: Software engineering, machine learning / artifical intelligence, lead UX / design, lead data visualization, CI / CD. Sam serves as the web admin. Economics: Lawson Connor Site: https://agribusiness.uark.edu/directory/index/uid/lconnor/name/Lawson+Connor/ Role: Agricultural economics and policy. Modeling: Brookie Guzder-Williams Site: https://dse.berkeley.edu/people/brookie-guzder-williams Role: Machine learning / artifical intelligence. Policy: Maya Weltman-Fahs Site: https://dse.berkeley.edu/people/maya-weltman-fahs Role: Policy and management. Agroecology: Timothy Bowles Site: https://ourenvironment.berkeley.edu/people/bowles Role: Agroecology, soil health, and regenerative agriculture. /* SITE */ Last update: 2024/08/03 Language: English Doctype: HTML5 Software: Sketchingpy, Vanilla JS, ANTLR, see more at https://github.com/SchmidtDSE/maize-loss-climate-experiment#open-source